My sweet story...

My sweet story...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Medical check up at 18 weeks

Yeah I'm 18 weeks pregnant.Yuhhuuu..Congratulations to me because I'm halfway through my pregnancy. Wow... Time flies really fast. Alhamdulillah I'm doing fine with my pregnancy and my baby is healthy.Suprisely, we know the baby sex based on ultrasound i done on 9 Dec 2008. My doctor told me its gonna be a _______(boy or girl biarlah rahsia, huhuhu). We so excited especially my hubby, during ultrasound he alway smiles. Dear Allah, no matter boy or girl, well accept this gift and i prayed that our baby is healthy.

We wanna see how our baby is growing. Can't wait for our next appointment in another 1 month.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Medical check up at 12 weeks

lama tak update blog ni.. 6 Nov I went check up at Pusat Perubatan Umra at Seksyen 13 Shah Alam. Firstly, the nurse check my weight and blood pressure. Everything else is normal. I wished to see my baby's sex but the doctor said the baby is still small. Maybe next month we know my baby's sex. Look how my baby looks like during the ultrasound.

Our next appointment is in another four weeks. Hope everything's gonna be fine InsyaAllah....


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